Bungo to Alchemist Wiki

Masaoka Shiki & Natsume Souseki

Reco ho4 34 6

Trigger Condition

Before Battle


Masaoka Shiki icon

Alright then, it's decided! From now on I'll stick with the name Masaoka Shiki!

Natsume Souseki icon

What in the heavens was a pseudonym enthusiast like you thinking to say such a thing?

Masaoka Shiki icon

I heard about you becoming a novelist and hitting it big, so I did some thinking. Having many names would make it hard to get popular, yeah?

Natsume Souseki icon

I do like your names that overflow with humor though.
How you have "baseball" read as "nobooru" is especially amusing.

Masaoka Shiki icon

That one eh, I like it too. With my real name being "Noboru" and all.

Natsume Souseki icon

And also Mendokusai, Monokusa Jirou, Take-no-satobito, and so forth...
Dare I say, some rather ridiculous names have been thought up.

Masaoka Shiki icon

Yeah yeah... Hold up! Is someone using the Souseki name that I came up with in the position to say that?

Natsume Souseki icon

No no, not at all, of course you have my gratitude for that. So therefore, am I not praising you to the skies?

Masaoka Shiki icon

Don't kid me, no matter how I look at it you're making fun of me!

Masaoka Shiki & Takahama Kyoshi

Reco ha3 34 74

Trigger Condition

Before Battle


Masaoka Shiki icon

Kiyoshi... Is composing haiku poetry fun for you? *
Kiyoshi (清) was his real name, meanwhile Kyoshi (虚子) was a penname.

Takahama Kyoshi icon

Wh-what's with this, all of a sudden?

Masaoka Shiki icon

No, it's just that after I passed, you thought really seriously over haiku poetry, and I'm glad...
But you know, I just suddenly wondered if due to that, you began to hate composing haiku poetry.

Takahama Kyoshi icon

...To me, haiku poetry became something more than just a fun pastime.

Masaoka Shiki icon

...Yeah, huh. You were really struggling while I didn't even notice.

Takahama Kyoshi icon

"After pulling up the withered arrowroots, will there grow trailing plants?"

Takahama Kyoshi icon

This is... One of the poems that you praised me for, Nobo-san.
At that time, you said this was poetry of the new generation...

Masaoka Shiki icon

Yup, I remember that.

Takahama Kyoshi icon

All the more because of what you said, Nobo-san, I returned to haiku poetry and stuck with it.
I faced haiku poetry head on, and that hasn't changed up until this very day.

Masaoka Shiki icon

Kiyoshi, you...

Takahama Kyoshi icon


Masaoka Shiki icon

You've really grown...!
From the Kiyoshi who rejected my one sincere request in life to continue on my haiku legacy...
I'm so moved I can't keep from crying...

Takahama Kyoshi icon

P-please just... forget that, it was so long ago!

Masaoka Shiki & Kawahigashi Hekigotou

Reco ho1 34 75

Trigger Condition

Before Battle


Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Masaoka Shiki icon

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Masaoka Shiki icon

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Masaoka Shiki icon

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Masaoka Shiki icon

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Masaoka Shiki icon

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Masaoka Shiki icon

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Masaoka Shiki, Takahama Kyoshi & Kawahigashi Hekigotou

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Trigger Condition

Before Battle


Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Nobo-saaan, Hekigotou's here!

Takahama Kyoshi icon

Nobo-san, did you call?

Masaoka Shiki icon

Alrighty, everyone's here! The reason I called you two here is none other than... That it's been decided there will be a baseball game!

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Ah, so it's finally been decided!

Takahama Kyoshi icon

I've been here there and all over to gather players.

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Well now, you've sure been working hard! Usually we don't get this many people.

Masaoka Shiki icon

Right! We've gone to the trouble of having a game, so I have one more problem for you guys to solve.
Compose a verse about the game that's about to happen using baseball!

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Poetry using baseball?

Masaoka Shiki icon

That's right. It's been a while, so let me see your chops when it comes to haiku.

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

Nobo-san... Of course we will!

Takahama Kyoshi icon

Brings me back to the days when we all used to compose poetry like our honor depended on it.

Kawahigashi Hekigotou icon

I won't lose to you, you hear me Kiyo!

Takahama Kyoshi icon

That's what I should be saying...

Masaoka Shiki icon

Haha, the fun begins now!
